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Oriental rugs add beauty and warmth to any home, but We can get dirty and lose their sparkle over time. Whether it’s from daily walks across them or accidental spills, these rugs need a good cleaning now and then to look their best. 

You might think you need to call in the pros for oriental rug cleaning, but did you know you can do it yourself? With some simple steps, you can give your rug a deep clean and bring back its original beauty. 

This guide will show you how to clean oriental rugs with easy-to-follow tips and tricks that anyone can do at home. No need for fancy equipment or harsh chemicals; just a little time and some elbow grease.

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What You All Need to Get Start With Rug Cleaning

Here’s a simple list of things you’ll need to start cleaning your rug by yourself:

  • Vacuum Cleaner
  • Mild Dish Soap or Rug Shampoo
  • Soft-Bristle Brush or Sponge
  • Bucket of Water
  • Garden Hose (Optional)
  • Towels and Squeegee
  • Fan or Dry, Sunny Spot

What Is the Best Way to Clean My Oriental Rugs?

Oriental Rugs Cleaning

Cleaning Oriental rugs doesn’t have to be complicated. The best approach is simple and gentle. Begin by vacuuming both sides of your rug to remove any loose dirt. This step is crucial for preventing any abrasive particles from causing wear during the cleaning process. Then, prepare a mild cleaning solution by mixing a small amount of dish soap with water. It’s essential to choose a soap that’s gentle to avoid damaging the rug’s delicate fibers. 

Before applying this solution to the entire rug, do a spot test in an inconspicuous area to ensure it doesn’t affect the colors or fabric. After confirming the solution is safe, use a soft brush or sponge to lightly clean the rug, working the soap into a lather and then rinsing thoroughly with water. Ensuring all the soap is removed is key to preventing residue that can attract more dirt. 

Finally, remove as much water as possible and allow the rug to dry completely, ideally in a well-ventilated area or outdoors, but out of direct sunlight to avoid fading. This method combines thoroughness with care, preserving the beauty and integrity of your Oriental rug. Here are the 9 steps to clean oriental rugs:

1. Move Your Furniture and Other Objects to off the Rugs

Clean Oriental Rugs

Before you start cleaning your Oriental rug, the first step is pretty straightforward: clear the area. You need to move all your furniture and anything else sitting on the rug. It’s just like when you’re about to do a big puzzle, and you need a clean, empty table to start. This way, you have lots of space to work and make sure every part of the rug gets cleaned.

Moving things off your rug also helps protect your furniture from getting wet or damaged during the cleaning process. Plus, it’s easier to see any spots or dirt that need extra attention when there’s nothing in the way. This simple step is crucial for doing a thorough job and getting your Oriental rug looking as good as new. So, take a little time to tidy up and move things aside. Your rug (and your future self) will thank you for it!

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2. Clean the Dirt and Debris

The next important step in cleaning your Oriental rug is to remove all the dirt and debris. This is crucial for a thorough clean. Start by using your vacuum cleaner to pick up any loose dirt from the surface of the rug. It’s important to be gentle to avoid damaging the rug’s fibers. Make sure you vacuum both the top and the bottom sides of the rug to ensure you’re getting as much dirt as possible.

After vacuuming, check for any larger pieces of debris that might not have been picked up. These should be carefully removed by hand. This step ensures that when you move on to washing the rug, you’re working with a surface that’s as clean as possible. Removing this layer of dirt and debris first can make a big difference in the cleaning process, allowing you to focus on deep cleaning the fibers without external dirt getting in the way.

3. Mix Oriental Rugs Cleaner

Rugs Cleaner

Mixing the right cleaner is both essential and straightforward. Start by selecting a mild dish soap, ensuring it’s gentle enough to not harm the fabric of your rug. Combine a small amount of this soap with lukewarm water in a bucket, stirring lightly to blend the two ingredients without creating excessive suds. It’s crucial to test this homemade solution on a less visible section of the rug before applying it across the entire surface. Doing so verifies that the soap won’t adversely affect the rug’s vibrant colors or delicate fibers. This step in the cleaning process underscores the importance of using simple, yet effective, solutions to maintain the beauty and integrity of your Oriental rug without resorting to harsh chemicals.

4. Now Test the Colour

After mixing your gentle cleaning solution, the next crucial step is to “Now Test the Colour” of your Oriental rug. This means checking to see if the soap and water mix will cause any color to bleed or fade. To do this, pick a small, hidden spot on your rug—maybe a corner or underneath a part that’s usually covered by furniture. 

Dab a bit of your cleaning mixture onto a white cloth and then gently press it against this hidden part of the rug. Hold it there for a minute or two, then check the cloth. If you see any color from the rug transferred onto the cloth, that means the rug might not react well to the cleaning solution, and it’s better to try something else or consider getting professional help. 

This simple test helps protect your rug, making sure the cleaning process will make it look better, not worse. It’s a quick step that can save a lot of heartache and ensures that your effort in cleaning the rug enhances its beauty without causing any damage.

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5. Washing Your Oriental Rug

Oriental Rug Washing

After ensuring your Oriental rug’s colors won’t run by testing the cleaning solution, it’s time to move on to the main event: “Washing Your Oriental Rug.” This step is vital in reviving the beauty of your rug and getting rid of the dirt and stains that have built up over time.

Begin by laying your rug flat on a clean, flat surface. If possible, doing this outside on a sunny day can be very helpful, as long as you ensure the rug is not in direct sunlight which might cause fading. Use a sponge or a soft-bristle brush to gently apply the cleaning solution you prepared. Work in small sections, carefully scrubbing in the direction of the rug’s fibers to avoid damage.

Once you’ve covered the entire rug with the cleaning solution, it’s time to rinse it thoroughly. If you’re outside, a garden hose works perfectly for this. Make sure all soap is washed away, as leftover soap can attract dirt. If you’re inside, clean, damp clothes can help remove the soap. The goal is to leave your rug free of any cleaning solution residue.

After washing, the rug needs to dry completely before being put back in place. This might take some time, but it’s important for preventing mold and mildew. Elevate the rug if possible to allow air to circulate and speed up the drying process. Flipping it over halfway through the drying process ensures both sides dry evenly.

This careful washing process is designed to clean your rug without causing it harm, preserving its beauty and extending its life. By taking these steps, you’ll help ensure your Oriental rug remains a stunning part of your home décor for years to come.

6. Rinse the Rug

After you’ve cleaned your Oriental rug, the next step is to rinse it well. This means you need to get all the soap and dirt out of the rug. It’s like when you wash your hands, you need to make sure all the soap is gone by rinsing under water.

If you can, take the rug outside and use a hose to spray it down. Make sure the water that comes out is clear. That means all the soap is gone. If you’re inside, take a clean, wet cloth and gently wipe the rug until there’s no soap left.

Rinsing is super important because soap left in the rug can pull in more dirt later. And we don’t want that. After the rug is all rinsed, you have to dry it. You can hang it up or lay it flat in a spot where a lot of air can get to it. Just make sure it’s not in direct sunlight so the colors don’t fade.

So, remember, rinse all the soap out, then dry your rug well. This helps keep your rug clean and looking good for a long time.

7. Squeeze Out Excess Water

After rinsing your Oriental rug, the next important step is to “Squeeze Out Excess Water.” This doesn’t mean wringing it out like a wet shirt, but gently pressing the water out. Imagine you’re giving the rug a hug to gently coax the water out without being too rough.

You can do this by laying the rug flat and rolling it up carefully. Then, press down on the rolled rug to help push the water out. Think of rolling up a sleeping bag after camping; you press on it to make it as small as possible. But here, you’re pressing to get as much water out as you can.

Getting rid of this extra water is key because it helps the rug dry faster and prevents any mildew or mold from growing. Rugs can hold a lot of water, and if We stay wet too long, We could get damaged.

Once you’ve gotten as much water out as possible, it’s time to dry the rug completely. You might lay it flat in a sunny spot outside but not in direct sunlight, or if you’re inside, find a well-ventilated area. Good drying is crucial to keep your rug looking great and to avoid any damp smells. So, take your time with this step to ensure your Oriental rug gets the gentle care it needs.

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8. Drying Your Rug Properly

“Drying Your Rug Properly” is an essential step in cleaning your Oriental rug. Once you’ve squeezed out the extra water, it’s time to make sure your rug dries completely. This is important because a rug that stays wet too long can get smelly and even be ruined.

The best way to dry your rug is to lay it flat in a place where air can move around it easily. If you can, putting it outside where there’s a breeze will help a lot, but keep it out of direct sunlight to avoid fading the colors. Inside, choose a spot that’s well-ventilated, maybe near an open window or a fan.

Flipping the rug over halfway through drying will help make sure both sides dry evenly. Don’t rush this part. Letting your rug dry completely might take some time, but it’s worth it. This prevents mold and keeps your rug in good shape.

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9. Fluffing and Brushing

After your Oriental rug is completely dry, the next step is “Fluffing and Brushing.” This is like giving your rug a quick makeover to bring back its original softness and texture. Here’s how you do it:

Use a Soft Brush: Gently brush the rug’s fibers with a soft-bristled brush. This helps lift the fibers that may have been flattened while washing and drying. Think of it like brushing your hair to make it neat and tidy.

Fluff by Hand: You can also use your hands to fluff up areas of the rug. Just run your fingers through the fibers, gently lifting and fluffing as you go. It’s a bit like petting a big, fluffy animal, helping it look its best.

Vacuum Lightly: Finally, use a vacuum on a low setting to help fluff up the rug even more. Move in the direction of the fibers, not against them. This is the finishing touch that makes the rug feel soft underfoot again.

Fluffing and brushing your rug after it’s clean brings back its cozy feel and makes it look great. This step shows extra care for your Oriental rug, ensuring it’s not just clean, but also beautiful and comfortable to use.

Wrapping Up

Cleaning Oriental rugs at home can be manageable if you stick to the essential steps: preparing your area, washing carefully with the right solution, rinsing thoroughly, drying meticulously, and then fluffing and brushing to bring back its original beauty. Yet, some situations require a professional touch, especially for challenging stains or very delicate rugs. This is where Carpet Police become invaluable. Carpet Police specializes in professional area rug cleaning and carpet cleaning, providing the deep care and expertise that surpass what typical home cleaning can achieve. We ensure your Oriental rugs are not only clean but also preserved and restored, maintaining the artistry and integrity of your cherished home decor. Our knowledge and services offer peace of mind and outstanding results, making them a go-to solution for those looking to maintain or restore the elegance of their Oriental rugs.